Cremerie de Paris N°1

In the heart of Paris and the heart of the history of France

Since 700 years, Cremerie de Paris has seen many people and histories go through it's locations.
Many iconic brand builders and inventors have been there. Facing the Porte du coeur de Paris,
the new Metro exit Marguerite de Navarre they are in the heart of the capital of France.
Cremerie N°1 is the Cremerie location with the strongest history.

Hotel de Villeroy (Villeroy & Bourbon since 1370/1561/1640)
Fashion Center / Pavillon des Drapiers (1648 - 1876)
Royal French Postal Services (Pajot & Rouille 1671-1738) / (Thurn & Taxis (1720s / 1986)
Cremerie de Paris / Cheese Store at he the Halles Centrales foodmarket (1870-1970)
fairytale place for the Romanov children from Russia (1910s)
nightwalk destination for Coco Chanel and Aimee de Heeren (1960s)
Electrica for Sony - tech center (1993-2000)
home of, one of the 676 Two Letter Domains (since 1998 / 2007)
Cybercafe de Paris - pioneer internet location and first webcafe in France (1995-2005)
home of the Phone Book of the World (since 1986 / 2000)
home of many White Pages (since 2004)
iconic Pop Up Stores (since 2011)
Cremerie de Paris N°1 is linked to the invention of many famous products.

Cremerie de Paris N°1 - a jewelery box for the romanov children ... 3D views
Cremerie de Paris N°1, like a jewelry box that changes all the time

Cremerie de Paris N°1 decorated for Netflix x League of Legends

Why Cremerie de Paris N°1 ?

  • Only Expo Spot in the World with a Two Letter .com
  • Meeting Place of the World's most famous Brands
  • historic location - goes back to 1370
  • former home of the Villeroys (state advisers) and pied à terre of the Bourbons (Kings of France)
  • Two floors 130m2 + 120m2
  • 16m of linear Window going onto busy rue des Halles
  • Noise Reduction system ideal to host cocktail parties
  • strong aeration system
  • Integrated Audio system - Hi speed Wifi
  • beautiful basement also used as a small Fashion & Telecom Museum
  • facing Pop Up Cafe Cremerie N°3
  • location linked to the invention of many iconic products
  • facing Entrance Gate of the center of Paris ... Chatelet les


250m² on two floors. Easy circulation with two reglementary staircases.
Beautiful historic stone walls.


Facade fill of large windows protected by strong mettal curtaains inside.


Equiped for product launch parties until 1 am. Many speakers on both levels, décibel mesure tool,
great for reception, but not a night club for rock concerts.


corner 9/11 rue des Déchargeurs and 15 rue des Halles 75001 Paris.
facing Cremerie de Paris N°3 (Restaurant Gladines).
70 m from Métro Exit Place Marguerite de Navarre ...
for Metro exit see video