3D images of Cremerie de Paris N°1

Pop Up Store Museum

People and Brands in the Pop Up Store Museum
In between Pop Up Events N°1 is decorated as a Museum

3d Visits starting in the subway station
Chatelet les Halles
walking up the Marguerite de Navarre Staircase

3D of Cremerie de Paris
visit starting in the Chatelet les Halles subway station

Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon (VB)
9-11 rue des Déchargeurs
75001 Paris / France
mail: b@vb.com

pictures for N°1
videos for N°1
sky views for N°1

3D Visits of all the VB.com Pop Up Stores & Cafes
surrounding Cremerie de Paris N°1
see N°1 - N°2 - N°3 - N°6 - N°7 - N°8 -
N°9 - N°10

VB is an Acronym for Villeroy Bourbon
The first Lady is Marguerite de Navarre (1492 - 1549)
the "grandmother of the Bourbon Kings".
Since 2017 she is the godmother of the Metro exit faccing Cremerie de Paris.

Marguerite was a friend of Nicolas II de Villeroy,
one of the early occupants of the VB mansion,
todays home of VB.com.
The Queen was also a friend of Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
who sold the Mona Lisa to her brother François Ier (1494 - 1547).

The second image shows her daughter Jeanne d Albret (1528 - 1572)
followed by grandson Henri IV (1553-1610), the first Bourbon King of France.
The second Bourbon King was Louis XIII (1601 - 1643)
In the last image 3rd Bourbon King Louis XIV (1638 - 1715)
with his young brother Philippe d'Orleans (1640 - 1701)
and his tutor Nicolas V de Villeroy (1543 - 1617).

All these people are connected to the history of VB.


How was it possible Villeroy Bourbon
got connected to VB.com
one of the world's most prominent and shortest internet domains ?
VB stands out on every phone / computer keyboard

This is the magic of Paris.
During the early years of the internet
French Hotels were not yet connected.

Cybercafe de Paris

Crmerie de Paris / VB was the home of the first internet cafe.
American Tourist were looking for a connection.
Some had an unusual technology background:

One was on the first flight to the Moon
another one had founded Apple
and one was the inventor of internet domains.

They all loved the magic of the VB Story
connected to the Mona Lisa, Vincent van Gogh, the Romanovs and Gabrielle Chanel.
Since 2012 new chapters open with iconic Pop Up Stores ...