Empress Eugenie / Eugenie de Montijo (1826 - 1920)

Tiara of Empress Eugenie of the French
Eugenie de Montijo

The tiara of Empress Eugenie was made by Gabriel Lemmonier in 1853
at the occasion of her wedding to Napoleon III.

Eugenie de Montijo (1826 - 1920)
Eugenie was the wife of Napoleon III.

It contains 212 historic perls and 1998 diamonds mounted in previous royal crown jewels of France.

In 1887 it was sold by the French Republic
and the year after bought by Albert von Thurn & Taxis
as a wedding gift to his wife Margarete of Austria.

Albert was the grandfather of Johannes Thurn & Taxis
and Mathilde von Sachsen Coburg.

Johannes loved the tiara which reapered for his wedding in 1980
and his 60th birthday June 6 1986.
It was sold in 1992 for 3.719.430 Francs.

Today the Tiara is located at the entrance of the appartment of Napoléon III
at the Louvre about 300 m walking distance from the Cremeries de Paris.

Todays value should be above 10 million euros.

Pavilons Baltard
Emperess Eugénie

gate of the Cremerie de Paris / Hotel de Villeroy