Electrolux by VB.com - Phone, Address, Commercials

Information on Electrolux

Electrolux Brand

Telephone +46 8 738 60 00 Mail Contact
Adress S:t Göransgatan 143, Stadshagen Stockholm Sweden
Website Electrolux.com
Social Media

2:33 min Video Electrolux - Shape living for the better (2017)

0:20 min Video in Swedish Electrolux Pure F9

0:10 min Electrolux Pure D8.2 - Silent Electrolux (2019)

0:45 min Electrolux Perfect Care - Made for Outdoor (2018)

History & Timeline:

1919: Foundation of Electrolux.

more coming soon

Name, Logo, Internet Domains:

Coming is an imaginary name.

Electrolux Logo

The Electrolux Logo was created by xxx.

Internet Domain:

The Electrolux Letter Internet Domain Electrolux.com
was registered 30 April 1996
is hold in the name of Electrolux.