VB.com = Very Beautiful
VB.com Internet Hall of Fame - timeline
There are only 676 Two Letter Domains !
They were registered at the dawn of the Internet
and they are among the World´s most valuable virtual Real Estate


VB.com = Very Beautiful
VB Internet Hall of Fame studies
made from Cremerie de Paris / Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon VB
iconic Brand Expo location
going back to times of the Kings of France

march 15 symbolics.com
1st domain registered

hp.com 9th domain
ti.com 13th domain
ge.com 20th domain
60 domains registered
by 1986 dec 31

hp.com reg 1986*[n°1]
HP.com = HP / Hewlett Packard
HP (Hewlett Packard)
sales: $ 114,5 billion
325,000 people
from Palo Alto / USA
company founded 1939
domain HP.com reg 1986 march 3
still owned
by Hewlett Packard

HP history and timeline

ti.com reg 1986*[n°2]
TI.com = TI / Texas Instruments
TI Texas Instruments
sales: $ 12,5 billion
26,200 people
from Dallas / Texas
company founded 1930
domain TI.com reg 1986 march 25
still owned
by Texas Instruments
TI history and timeline

TI.com impossible to get for
Telecom Italia missed TI.com

ge.com reg 1986*[n°3]
GE.com = GE / General Electric
GE General Electric
Technology Conglomerate
sales: $ 185,5 billion
323,000 people
from Fairfield / USA
company founded 1878
domain GE.com reg 1986 aug 5
still owned
by General Electric

GE history and timeline
ub.com 4th 2 Letter Domain (18th of all Domains) rge 1986 july 10 not renewed and lost ...
ci.com 5th 2 Letter Domain (52nd of all Domains) reg 1986 dec 11 not renewed and lost ...
dg.com 6th 2 Letter Domain (54th of all Domains) reg 1986 dec 11 not renewed and lost ...
sq.com 7th 2 Letter Domain (57th of all Domains) reg 1986 dec 11 not renewed and lost ...


107 domains registered
by 1987 dec 31


130 domains registered
by 1998 dec 31

pw.com reg 1988*[n°4]
PW.com = PW.com by PWC.com / Price Waterhouse Coopers
Price Waterhouse
sales: $ 26,2 billion
163,000 people
from New York / USA
company founded 1849
domain PW.com reg 8 jan 1988
and still owned
by Price Waterhouse
since 1998 PriceWaterhouseCoopers

oz.com reg 1988*[n°5]
OZ.com = OZ.com by Nokia
OZ.com by Nokia
Telecom Technology
sales: $ 0,x - $ 57 billion
220 (123,000) people
from Montral / Canada
company founded 2000

domain OZ.com reg 1988 july 15
still owned
by 0Z Communications
company OZ bought
2008 by Nokia

ab.com reg 1988*[n°6]
AB.com = AB / Allen Bradley
Allen Bradley
Automation Equipment
sales: $ x billion
19,000 people
from Milwaukee / USA
company founded 1903

domain AB.com reg 1988 oct 12
still owned
by Allen Bradley
since 1995 part of Rockwell
AB.com difficult to get for
Anheuser Busch missed AB.com

568 domains registered
by 1989 dec 31

bp.com reg 1989*[n°8]
BP.com = BP / British Petroleum
BP British Petroleum
sales: $ 246,1 billion
92,000 people
from London / UK
company founded 1909
domain BP.com reg 1989 nov 10
still owned
by BP ex British Petroleum
BP.com impossible to get for
Banco Popular missed BP.comBanco Popular missed BP.com

BP.com impossible to get for
Banque Populaire missed BP.comBanco Popolare missed BP.com
Banque Populaire missed BP.comBanca Popolare missed BP.com
Banque Populaire missed BP.comBharat Petroleum missed BP.com

removed PT.com
PT.com = PT / Performance Technologies
reg 1989 march 23
by Performance Technology
company acquired by Sonus

domain for sale

Nov 1990
world wide web / www

1,203 domains registered
by 1990 dec 31

ml.com reg 1990*[n°9]
ML.com = Merrill Lynch
Merrill Lynch
sales: $ 6,4 billion
60,000 people
from New York / USA
company founded 1914
domain MS.com reg 1990 mai 16
still owned
by Merrill Lynch
since 2009 owned by Bank of America

removed NT.com
NT.com = Nortel
reg 28 sep 1990
by Northern Telecom
avant-garde hi-tech
company in liquidation

domain for sale

1,641 domains registered
by 1991 dec 31

ap.com reg 1991*[n°11]
AP.com = Audio Precision
Audio Precision
sales: $ 0,x billion
38 people
from Beaverton / USA
company founded 1985
domain AP.com reg 1991 jan 21
still owned
by Audio Precision

gs.com reg 1991*[n°12]
GS.com = Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs
sales: $ 45,2 billion
32,500 people
from New York / USA
company founded 1869
domain GS.com reg 1991 april 5
still owned
by Goldman Sachs

2,398 domains registered
by 1992 dec 31

gm.com reg 1992*[n°13]
GM.com - General Motors
GM General Motors
sales: $ 34,1 billion
204,000 people
from Detroit / USA
company founded 1908/2009
domain GM.com reg 15 jan 1992
still owned
by GM General Motors Company

pb.com reg 1992*[n°14]
PB.com - Pitney Bowes
Pitney Bowes
sales: $ 6,3 billion
36,165 people
from Stamford / USA
company founded 1920
domain PB.com reg 23 jan 1992
still owned
by Pitney Bowes

PB.com impossible to get for
Packard Bell missed PB.com

pg.com reg 1992*[n°15]
PG.com = PG / Procter & Gamble
P&G Procter & Gamble
Consumer Goods
sales: $ 79,1 billion
140,000 people
from Cincinnati / USA
company founded 1837
domain PG.com reg 24 feb 1992
still owned
by Procter & Gamble

bt.com reg 1992*[n°16]
BT.com = BT / British Telecom
BT British Telecom
sales: $ 34,5 billion
108,500 people
from London / UK
founded 1981 by privatization
domain BT.com reg 16 june 1992
still owned
by BT ex British Telecom


1993 january 20
Bill Clinton becomes President

1993 dec 2 Dr Jon Postel
blocked One Letter Domains
exept alreday registered q.com
x.com and z.com

5,994 domains registered by 1993 dec 31

st.com reg 1993*[n°17
ST.com = ST Microelectronics
ST Microelectronics
sales: $ 8,5 billion
51,560 people
from Geneva / Switzerland
company founded 1957
domain ST.com reg 8 feb 1993
still owned
by ST Microelectronics

nu.com reg 1993*[n°18]
NU.com = Northeast Utilities
Northeast Utilities
sales: $ 5,8 billion
xx,000 people
from Berlin / USA
company founded 1966
domain NU.com reg 2 april 1993
still owned
by Northeast Utilitie

ea.com reg 1993*[n°19]
EA.com = Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts
Entertainement Technology
sales: $ 5,7 billion
8,000 people
from Redwood City / USA
company founded 1982
domain EA.com reg 14 april 1993
by Electronic Arts
still owned
by Electronic Arts

mt.com reg 1993*[n°20]
MT.com = Mettler Toledo
Mettler Toledo
sales: $ 1,8 billion
10,000 people
from Greifensee / Switzerland
company fusion 1989
domain MT.com reg 12 aug 1993
by ??
bought ? / still owned
by Mettler Toledo

ms.com reg 1993*[n°21]
MS.com = Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley
sales: $ 62,2 billion
62,000 people
from New York / USA
comany founded 1935
domain MS.com reg 1993 aug 13
still owned
by Morgan Standley
MS.com impossible to get for

cw.com reg 1993*[n°22]
CW.com = Cable & Wireless
Cable & Wireless
sales: $ 5,1 billion
13,500 people
from Braknell / UK
avant-garde hi tech
company founded 1860
domain CW.com reg 1994 sep 21
still owned
by Cable & Wireless

company uses domain cwc.com

bv.com reg 1993*[n°23]
BV.com = Black & Veatch
Black & Veatch
sales: $ 3,2 billion
9,600 people
from Overland Park / USA
company founded 1915
domain BV.com reg 2 dec 1993
still owned
by Black & Veatch
BV.com impossible to get for
Bureau Veritas missed BV.com Bottega Veneta missed BV.com


launch of US Government website ... Whitehouse.gov
13,712 domains registered by 1994 dec 31

gn.com reg 1994*[n°24]
GN.com = GN Store Nord ex Great Northern Telegraph
GN Store Nord
ex Great Northern Telegraph
Telecom / Audio Equipment
group sales: $ X billion
4,150 people
from Balerup / Denmark
company founded 1869
domain GN.com reg 3 feb 1994
still owned
by GN Store Nord

vw.com reg 1994*[n°26]
VW.com = VW / Volkswagen
VW Volkswagen
sales: $ 153,7 billion
370,000 people
from Wolfsburg / Germany
company founded 1937
domain VW.com reg 5 mar 1994
still owned
by Volkswagen

ey.com reg 1994*[n°27]
EY.com = Ernst & Young
Ernst & Young
Financial Audit
sales: $ 24,5 billion
144,000 people
from London / UK
company founded 1849 / 1989
domain EY.com reg 22 april 1994
still owned
by Ernst & Young

up.com reg 1994*[n°28]
UP.com = Union Pacific
Union Pacific Railroad
sales: $ 18,5 billion
48,200 people
from Omaha / USA
company founded 1862
domain UP.com reg 12 may 1994
still owned
by Union Pacific Railroad

vf.com reg 1994*[n°29]
VF.com = VF.com Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair
by Cond Nast
Fashion Press
group sales: $ 5,1 billion
xxx people
from NYC / USA
group founded 1907
domain VF.com reg 17 mai 1994
by Conde Nast
also owns GQ.com
VF.com impossible to get for
Vodefone missed VF.com VF Corp missed VF.com

gq.com reg 1994*[n°30]
GQ.com = Gentlemen´s Quarterley
Gentlemen´s Quarterley
Fashion Press
group sales: $ 5,1 billion
xxx people
from NYC / USA
first issue 1957
domain GQ.com reg 17 may 1994
by Conde Nast
also owns VF.com

ni.com reg 1994*[n°31]
NI.com = National Instruments
National Instruments
sales: $ 0,76 billion
5,000 people
from Austin / USA
company founded 1976
domain NI.com reg 20 may 1994
still owned
by National Instruments

dj.com reg 1994*[n°32]
DJ.com = Dow Jones
Dow Jones
Financial News
sales: $ 1,5 billion
x people
from New York / USA
company founded 1882
domain DJ.com reg 10 aug 1994
still owned
by DowJones

ul.com reg 1994*[n°33]
UL.com = UL / Underwriters Laboratries
Underwriters Lab
sales: private
6,800 people
from Northbrook / USA
company founded 1894
domain UL.com reg 16 aug 1994
still owned
by Underwriters Laboratries

bc.com reg 1994*[n°34]
BC.com = Boise Cascade
Boise Cascade
sales: $ 2,9 billion
4,600 people
from Boise / USA
company founded 1957
domain BC.com reg 30 aug 1994
still owned
by Boise Cascade

mc.com reg 1994*[n°35]
MC.com = Mercury Computer
Mercury Computer
sales: $ 0,2 billion
600 people
from Chelmsford / USA
company founded 1981
domain MC.com reg 30 aug 1994
still owned
by Mercury Computer System

dk.com reg 1994*[n°36]
DK.com = DK Dorlin Kinderley
DK Dorling Kindersley
Book Publisher
group sales: $ 8,5 billion
xxx people
from London / UK
company founded 1974
domain DK.com reg 6 sep 1994
still owned
by DK now part of Pearson

bn.com reg 1994*[n°37]
BN.com = Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble
Book Stores
sales: $ 5,4 billion
40,000 people
from NY 5th Avenue / USA
company founded 1873
domain BN.com reg 10 oct 1994
and still owned
by Barnes & Noble

lw.com reg 1994*[n°38]
LW.com = Latham & Watkins
Latham & Watkins
Law Firm
sales: $ 2,1 billion
2,100 attorneys
from Los Angeles / USA
company founded 1934
domain LW.com reg 25 oct 1994
still owned
by Latham & Watkins

ft.com reg 1994*[n°39]
FT.com = FT / Financial Times
Financial Times
Financial News
group sales: $ 8,5 billion
xxx people
from London / UK
company founded 1888
domain FT.com reg 30 nov 1994
still owned
by Financial Times / Pearson
FT.com impossible to get for
France Telecom missed FT.com France Televisions missed FT.com

wy.com reg 1994*[n°40]
WY.com = Weyerheuser
sales: $ 16,9 billion
49,900 people
from Federal Way / USA
company founded 1900
domain WY.com reg 30 nov 1994
still owned
by Weyerhaeuser

ef.com reg 1994*[n°41]
EF.com = Education First
EF Education First
sales: private
27,000 people
from Lucerne / Switzerland
company founded 1965
domain EF.com reg 9 dec 1994
still owned
by EF Education First

29,005 domains registered by 1995 dec 31

wk.com reg 1995*[n°42]
WK.com = Wieden + Kennedy
WK Wieden + Kennedy
Ad Agency
sales: private
xxxx people
from Portland / USA
company founded 1982
domain WK.com reg 2 feb 1995
still owned
by Wieden + Kennedy

wn.com reg 1995*[n°43]
WN.com = World News
World News
News / Ads
sales: private
48,200 people
from Omaha / USA
company founded 1995
domain WN.com reg 1995 mar 23
still owned
by World News Network

yr.com reg 1995*[n°44]
YR.com = Y&R Young & Rubicam
Y&R Young & Rubicam
PR / Advertising
sales: private
16,000 people
from NYC / USA
company founded 1923
domain YR.com reg 26 mar 1995
still owned
by Young & Rubicam

YR.com impossible to get for
Yves Rocher missed YR.com

bm.com reg 1995*[n°45]
BM.com =  Burston Marsteller
Burston Marsteller
PR / Advertising
sales: private
x people
from NYC / USA
company founded 1953
domain BM.com reg 16 mai 1995
still owned
by Burston Marsteller
a Young & Rubicam Company

pq.com reg 1995*[n°46]
PQ.com =  PQ Corporation / Philadelphia Quarz
PQ Corporation
sales: $ 0,75 billion
1,600 people
from Valley Forge / USA
company founded 1831
domain PQ.com reg 16 mai 1995
still owned
by PQ / Philadelphia Quarz

ga.com reg 1995*[n°47]
GA.com = General Atomics
General Atomics
sales: private
1,300 people
from San Diego / USA
company founded 1955
domain GA.com reg 5 sep 1995
still owned
by General Atomics

GA.com impossible to get for
Gucci missed the sale of

qg.com reg 1995*[n°48]
QG.com - Quad Graphics
Quad Graphics
sales: $ 1,8 billion
11,000 people
from Pewaukee / USA
company founded 1971
domain QG.com reg 20 oct 1995
still owned
by Quad Graphics

Game of Thrones @ Cremerie de Paris / WB.com by VB.com
Expo organised by Francois Linh Hoang and Julien Bouaziz / agency Brainwash

tv.com sold to CNET for US$15,000
88,098 domains registered by 1996 dec 31

zf.com reg 1996*[n°49]
ZF.com = ZF Group
ZF Group
ex Zeppelin ex Zahnrad Fabrik
Engineering Rail Aviation
sales: $ 16,8 billion
59,800 people
from Friedrichshafen / Germany
company founded 1915
domain ZF.com reg 12 mar 1996
by ZF Industries USA
transfered to
ZF headquarter Germany

gt.com reg 1996*[n°50]
GT.com = Grant Thornton
Grant Thornton
sales: $ 3,5 billion
29,200 people
from Chicago / USA
company founded 1924 / 1986
domain GT.com reg 24 april 1996
still owned
by Grant Thornton

wb.com reg 1996*[n°51]
WB.com / WB / Warner Bros
WB Warner Bros
sales: $ 11,7 billion
xx people
from Burbank / USA
company founded 1918
domain WB.com reg 24 apr 1996
still owned
by Warner Bros

WB history and timeline

gp.com reg 1996*[n°52]
GP.com = Georgia Pacific
Georgia Pacific
sales: $ 19,2 billion
50,000 people
from Atlanta / USA
company founded 1927
domain GP.com reg 17 nov 1996
still owned
by Georgia Pacific / Koch

1997 sep 15 registration of google.com
1997 dec first 2 Letter Domain Transaction American Airlines buys AA.com
421,312 domains registered by 1997 dec 31

jm.com reg 1997*[n°53]
JM.com = Johns Manville
Johns Manville
Insulation Products
sales: not published
7,000 people
from Denver / USA
company founded 1858
domain JM.com reg 13 mai 1997
and still owned
by Johns Manville /
Mr Warren Buffet

nk.com reg 1997*[n°54]
NK.com = NK.com by Syngenta
NK.com by Syngenta
group sales: $ 11,6 billion
24,000 people
from Basel / Switzerland
Greensboro NC, USA
company founded 1758 / 2000
domain NK.com reg 3 june 1997
by NK.com /
company bought by Syngenta

aa.com aquired 1997 [n°55]
AA.com = American Airlines
American Airlines
sales: $ 22,9
78,900 people
from Forth Worth / USA
company founded 1930

domain AA.com reg
Jan 2 1988
by Architech & Arts
bought 1997 by American Airlines

AA.com impossible to get for
Anglo American missed AA.com

3,425,625 domains registered by dec 31 1998

wm.com reg 1998*[n°56]
WM.com = WM / Waste Management
Waste Management
sales: $ 13,4 billion
50,000 people
from Houston / USA
company founded 1894
domain WM.com reg 1998 july 31
still owned
by Waste Management

cs.com reg 1998*[n°xx]
CS.com = CS / Compu Serve
Compu Serve
online provider
sales: $ x
xx people
from USA
company founded

domain CS.com
reg 1995
by Computer Service

reg 1998 aug 8
by Compu Serve

still owned
by CompuServe
now àpart of AOL / Verizon

jj.com reg 1998*[n°57]
JJ.com = JNJ / Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
Consumer Goods
sales: $ 63,7 billion
118,700 people
from New Brunswick / USA
company founded 1886
domain JJ.com reg 1998 sep 10
Johnson & Johnson
owns 29,925 domains !
including ky.com

bd.com aquired 1998*[n°58]
BD.com = Becton Dickinson
Becton Dickinson
sales: $ 6,4 billion
28,300 people
from Franklin Lakes / USA
company founded 1930
domain BD.com reg 1990 mai 30
by ??
bought by Becton Dickinson

gd.com aquired 1998*[n°59]
GD.com = General Dynamics
General Dynamics
sales: $ 31,9 billion
91,700 people
from Falls Church / USA
company founded 1952
domain GD.com reg 1989 aug 26
by ??
bought by General Dynamics

hm.com aquired 1998*[n°60]
HM.com = H&M / Hennes & Mauritz
H&M (Hennes Mauritz)
sales: $ 16,2 billion
53,480 people
from Stockholm / Sweden
company founded 1947
domain HM.com reg ??
lost and reg again 14 nov 1997
by ??
bought by Hennes & Mauritz

db.com aquired 1998*[n°61]
DB.com = Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank
sales: $ 37,8 billion
77,050 people
from Frankfurt / Germany
company founded 1870
domain DB.com reg ??
by Data Craft
lost and reg again 13 dec 1997
by The Internet Company
bought by Deutsche Bank
DB.com impossible to get for
DB Deutsche Bahn missed DB.com D&B missed DB.com

ur.com aquired 1998*[n°62]
UR.com = United Rentals
United Rentals
Equipment Rental
sales: $ 3,3 billion
8,600 people
from Greenwich / USA
company founded 1997
domain UR.com
reg 6 nov 1997 by ??
bought 1999 by United Rentals

8,006,100 domains registered by 1999 dec 31

ae.com aquired 1999*[n°63]
AE.com = American Eagle
American Eagle
sales: $ 3 billion
12,000 people
from Pittsburgh / USA
company founded 1977
domain AE.com reg 2 jan 1998
by Applied Engineering
bought by American Eagle
AE.com impossible to get for
American Express missed AE.com A & E missed AE.com

cj.com aquired 1999*[n°64]
CJ.com = CJ / Comission Junction
Comission Junction
sales: private
xxx people
from Santa Barbara / USA
company founded 1998
domain CJ.com reg 24 feb 1998
by Digimedia
bought 1999
by Commission Junction

gg.com aquired 1999*[n°65]
GG.com = Horsebetting
GG Horse Bets
Betting site / Racecourse
sales: $ x million
? people
from Towcester / UK
company founded 1928
domain GG.com reg 21 june 1997
by Guess
bought 1999 by
Towcester Racecourse
GG.com very difficult to get for
Gucci missed the sale of GG.com Guerlain missed the sale of GG.com

ag.com aquired 1999*[n°66]
AG.com = American Greetings
American Greetings
Greeting Cards
sales: $ 1,64 billion
18,000 people
from Brooklyn / USA
company founded 1906
domain AG.com reg 7 sep 1994
by Domain Investor
bought dec 1999
by American Greetings

21,023,720 domains registered by 2000 dec 31

ca.com aquired 2000*[n°67]
CA.com = CA / Computer Associates
CA ex Computer Ass
IT Services
sales: $ 4,2 billion
13,700 people
from Islandia / USA
company founded 1976
domain CA.com reg 9 feb 1996
by Computer Answers
bought by CA ex Computer Associates (also owned qx.com)
now Bradcom
CA.com impossible to get for
Credit Agricole missed CA.com C&A missed CA.com

rd.com aquired 2000*[n°68]
RD.com = Riders Digest
Riders Digest
sales: private
5,000 people
from Chappaqua / USA
company founded 1922
domain RD.com reg 16 aug 1995
by Rapid Data
bought 2000
by RDA / Readers Digest Ass

td.com aquired 2000*[n°69]
TD.com = TD / Toronto Dominion
Toronto Dominion Bank
** sales: $ 17,5 billion
65,930 people
from Toronto / Canada
company founded 1869
domain TD.com reg 15 april 1998
by ??
bought 2000 by Toronto Dominion

tv.com aquired 2000*[n°70]
TV.com = TV.com a division of CBS Corp
TV.com by CBS
group sales: $ 13,9 billion
25,920 people
from NYC / USA
site launched 2006
domain TV.com reg 29 mai 1996
by NBC
bought 2000 by Cnet
bought 2008 by CBS

23,198,677 domains registered by 2001 dec 31

ki.com aquired 2001*[n°71]
KI.com = KI.com
KI.com ex Krueger Int
sales: $ 0,6 billion
2,800 people
from Green Bay / USA
company founded 1977
domain KI.com reg 1 feb 1991
by KI Networks
bought by KI.com

sk.com aquired 2001*[n°72]
SK.com = SK Group / Sunkyung
SK Group
(ex Sunkyung Group)
Energy Telecom
sales: $ 80,8 billion
30,000 people
from Seoul / South Korea
company founded 1953
domain SK.com reg 6 june 1994
by ??
bought 2001 by SK Group

wh.com aquired 2001*[n°73]
WH.com = W&H / Texas Instruments
W&H Dental
ex Weber und Hampel
Dental Equipment
sales: private
980 people
from Salzburg / Austria
company founded 1890
domain WH.com reg 6 sep 1995
by Web Homes
bought 2001 by W&H

21,991,795 domains registered by 2002 dec 31

ba.com aquired 2002*[74]
BA.com = British Airways
British Airways
sales: $ 14,6 billion
42,000 people
from London / UK
company merger 1974
domain BA.com reg 13 dec 1993
by Bell Atlantic
bought by British Airways
BA.com impossible to get for
Bank of America missed BA.com

bk.com aquired 2002*[n°75]
BK.com = Burger King
Burger King
sales: $ 2,2 billion
41,500 people
from Miami / USA
company founded 1954
domain BK.com reg ??
by Burger King who lost it ...
reg 10 july 1998 by Investor
bought back by Burger King

lq.com aquired 2002*[n°76]
LQ.com = La Quinta
La Quinta
sales: not published
9,000 people
from Irvring / USA
company founded 1968
domain LQ.com reg 5 aug 1996
by Web Page Building
bought by La Quinta

ra.com aquired 2002*[n°77]
RA.com = RA.com Rheumatoid Arthritis by Abbott
RA.com by Abbott
group sales: $ 29,5 billion
72,000 people
from Abbott Park / USA
company founded 1888
domain RA.com reg 16 june 1993
by Richard ??
bought 2002 by Abbott

26,207,928 domains registered by 2003 dec 31

qq.com aquired 2003*[n°78]
QQ.com = QQ / Ten Cent
Tencent QQ
Messaging Technoloqy
sales: private
China´s website n°2
World´s website n°9
from Shenzen / China
company founded 1998
domain QQ.com reg 4 mai 1995
by ??
bought march 2003
by Tencent QQ

fp.com aquired 2003*[n°79]
FP.com = Friends Provident
Friends Provident
sales: $ 1,5 billion
6,000 people
from London / UK
company founded 1832
domain EY.com reg 21 feb 1994
by Warminster Engineering
bought by Friends Provident

ck.com aquired 2003*[n°80]
CK.com = CK / Calvin Klein
Calvin Klein
sales: private
xxxx people
from New York / USA
company founded 1968
domain CK.com reg 14 dec 1994
by ??
bought 2003 by Van Heusen

cc.com aquired 2003*[n°81]
CC.com = CC / Comedy Central
Comedy Central
sales: private
xxxx people
from New York / USA
company founded 1991
domain CC.com reg 26 june 1997
by Tim Crawford
bought 2001 by Clear Chanel
bought 2003 by Comedy Central

33,351,738 .com domains registered by 2004 dec 31

cp.com aquired 2004*[n°82]
CP.com = Chicago Pneumatic
Chicago Pneumatic
Industrial Tools
sales: private
xxxx people
from Franklin Lakes / USA
company founded 1930
domain CP.com reg 19 july 1994
by Unidial
bought 2004 by Chicago Pneu
CP.com very difficult to get for
Colgate Palmolive missed CP.com Canadian Pacific missed CP.com

pc.com aquired 2004*[n°83]
PC.com = Intel
PC.com by Intel
sales: $ 37,5 billion
83,500 people
from Santa Clara / USA
company founded 1968
domain PC.com reg 2 dec 1996
by ??
bought 07 2004 by Intel

js.com aquired 2004*[n°85]
JS.com = JS Group
JS (Jahangir Siddiqui)
sales: $ xx billion
18,000 people
from Karachi / Pakistan
company founded 1970
domain JS.com reg 16 april 1995
by Jordan Solutions
bought 2004 by JS

46,233,988 .com domains registered by 2005 dec 31

ci.com aquired 2005*[n°86]
CI.com = CI Investments
CI Investments
Wealth Management
sales: private
12,000 people
from Toronto / Canada
company founded 1965
domain CI.com reg 1 dec 1986
by Cognition Corp
bought by CI Investments

kp.com aquired 2005*[n°87]
KT.com = Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente
Health Care
sales: $ 34,4 billion
181,900 people
from Oakland / USA
company founded 1945
domain KP.com reg 20 may 1997
by owner of ol.com
bought by Kaiser Permanente

rj.com aquired 2005*[n°88]
RJ.com = RJ / Royal Jordanian
Royal Jordanian
sales: private / state owned
xxxx people
from Amman / Jordan
company founded 1963
domain RJ.com reg 27 july 1995
by ??
bought by Royal Jordanian

nov 2006 Louis Vuitton / LVMH looses Wipo suit on LV.com
61,624,166 .com domains registered by 2006 dec 31

dq.com aquired 2006*[n°89]
DQ.com = DQ / Dairy Queen
DQ Dairy Queen
Fast Food
sales: $ 2,5 billion
2,362 people
from Edina / USA
company founded 1940
domain DQ.com reg 6 march 1995
by Dream Quest / Mrs Cynthia Williamson
bought 03 2006 by Dairy Queen /
Mr Warren Buffet

kt.com aquired 2006*[n°90]
KT.com = KT / Korea Telecom
KT exKorea Telecom
sales: $ 16,7 billion
35,500 people
from Seongnam / South Korea
company founded 1981
domain KT.com reg 22 june 1995
by Kronos Technologies
bought 06 2006 by Korea Telecom

july 2007 Louis Vuitton / LVMH misses sale of LV.com
69,215,937 .com domains registered by 2007 dec 31

vb.com aquired 2007*[n°91]
VB.com = Very Beautiful
VB = Very Beautiful
Brand Info Site
sales: private
from Paris / France
site launched 2014
as a Brand Portal
domain VB.com reg 12 july 1991
lost and reg again 13 may 1997
by Veracity Capital Partners
bought 2006 by Trellian
bought 2007 for VB.com

lv.com aquired 2007*[92]
LV.com = Liverpool Victoria
Liverpool Victoria
sales: $ 1,1 billion
1,922 people
from Bornemouth / UK
company founded 1843
domain LV.com reg 1995 april 26
by Manifest
sued by Louis Vuitton
bought by Liverpool Victoria

LV.com impossible to get for
Louis Vuitton
LV = Louis Vuitton

wf.com aquired 2007*[n°94]
WF.com = Wells Fargo
WF Wells Fargo Bank sales: $ 52,4 billion
276,000 people from San Francisco / USA
company founded 1852
domain WF.com reg 19 feb 1993
by Wonder Force / Mr Jim Brunner
bought 2007 by Wells Fargo

li.com aquired 2007*[n°95]
LI.com = Legatum Institute
Legatum Institute
Investment Fund
sales: not published
xx people
from Dubai / UAE
company founded 2007
domain LI.com reg 25 july 1995
by Lakeville Internet
bought by Level 9
bought for $ 500,000
by Legatum Institute

78,776,555 .com domains registered by 2008 dec 31

du.com aquired 2008*[n°96]
DU.com = DU / Emirates Telecom
DU - Emirates Telecom
sales: $ 1,1 billion
2,000 people
from Dubai / UAE
company founded 2006
domain DU.com reg 30 aug 1994
by B&B
bought 2008 by Emirates Telecom

ko.com awaken 2008*[n°98]
KO.com = Coca Cola, corporate site
KO Coca Cola
sales: $ 31,9 billion
92,400 people
from Atlanta / USA
company founded 1892
domain KO.com reg 1993 may 21
by ??
bought 2008
by Coca Cola

me.com aquired 2008*[99]
Me.com = Me from Apple
Product "Me" by Apple
Computer Service
groupe sales: $ 42,9 billion
35,000 people
from Cupertino / USA
site launched 2008
domain ME.com reg 23 aug 1994
by DNStinations
bought by Brainstorm Ventures
bought 2004 for $ 460,000 by VCT
bought 2008 by Apple

in.com aquired 2008*[n°100]
IN.com = IN.com by Network 18 India
Network 18
Media conglomerate
group sales: $ 3,1 billion
xxx people
from New Delhi / India
company founded 1886
domain IN.com reg 20 mai 1997
bough jan 2008
by Network 18 / Raghav Bahl

sc.com aquired 2008*[n°101]
SC.com - Standard Chartered
Standard Chartered Bank
sales: $ 19,3 billion
11,000 people
from London / UK
company founded 1853
domain SC.com reg 15 sep 1998
by Shopper's Central
bought 2008 by SC

domain fight / transaction ?? LH.com goes to Lufthansa
84,000,293 .com domains registered by 2009 dec 31

yp.com aquired 2009*[n°102]
YP.com = YP / Yellow Pages by ATT
Yellow Pages by AT&T
Phonebook / Ads
group sales: $ 119,3 billion
50,000 people
from Dallas / USA
company founded 1996 / 2005
domain YP.com reg 6 dec 1994
by Onramp Access
bought by YP Corp / AT&T
jan 14 for 3,85 million $

YP.com impossible to get for
Yellowpages from differents countries missed YP.com

vk.com aquired 2009*[n°103]
VK.com = VK / VKontakte
VK VKontakte
largest Social Network Russia
group sales: $ 119,3 billion
50,000 people
from Moscow / Russia
company founded 1996 / 2005
domain VK.com reg 24 june 1997
by Anything.com
bought by VKontakte.ru
August 2009 for X million $

lh.com received 2009*[104]
LH.com = LH / Lufthansa
sales: $ 34,5 billion
105,300 people
from Cologne / Germany
company founded 1926
domain LH.com reg 31 jan 1995
by LightHouse Communications,
bought 2004 by Future Media
and sued/bought ? by Lufthansa

jt.com awaken 2009*[n°105]
JT.com = JT / Japan Tobacco
Japan Tobacco
sales: $ 51,5 billion
31,500 people
from Tokyo / Japan
company founded 1985
domain JT.com reg 2 sep 1997
by Downtown.com
bought by Japan Tobacco

lg.com aquired 2009*[106]
LG.com = LG Group / Life´s Good / Lucky Goldstar
LG exLucky Goldstar
Electronics Conglomerate
sales: $ 104,3 billion
177,000 people
from Busan / South Korea
company founded 19xx
domain LG.com reg 8 june 1995
by Lookwood Greene
bought by Life Games
bought by LG Group

LG history and timeline

wp.com aquired 2009*[n°107]
WP.com = Word Press
Word Press
by Automattic
sales: private
35 people
from San Francisco / USA
company founded 2005
domain WP.com reg 28 mar 1997
by Yahoo
bought 2009 by Automattic /
Mr Matt Mullenweg in April 2009
WP.com impossible to get for
Washington Post missed WP.com Whitepages missed WP.com

est 92,000,293 .com domains registered by 2010 dec 31

sm.com aquired 2010*[n°108]
SM.com = SM Investment Corp
SM Investments Corp
sales: $ xx billion
38,600 people
from Pasay / Philipines
company founded 1994
domain SM.com reg 31 dec 1994
by Systems Modeling
bought by High Impact Canada
bought 2010 by SM Corp

lc.com awake 2010*[n°109]
LC.com = Luxury Collection by Starwood
Luxury Collection
sales: $ 5,2 billion
145,000 people
from White Plains / USA
company founded 1969
domain LC.com reg 20 mar 1994
by Heat Hill
bought by CSC Corp
for Starwood Hotels

rb.com aquired 2010*[n°110]
RB.com = RB / Reckitt Benckiser
RB Reckitt Benckiser
Consumer Goods
sales: $ 10,2 billion
23,400 people
from Slough / UK
company founded 1814
domain RB.com reg 11 jan 1995
by Robert Bentley
bought 2010
by Reckitt Benckiser

rt.com aquired 2010*[n°111]
RT.com = RT / Russia Times
RT Russia Times
sales: $ ? billion
?? people
from Moscow / Russia
company founded 2005
domain RT.com reg 23 sep 1991
bought ?? by ??
bought 2010
by ANO TV / Russia Times

dg.com aquired 2010*[n°112]
DG.com = DG / Dollar General
DG Dollar General
sales: $ 10.4 billion
79,800 people
from Tennessee / USA
company founded 1939
domain DG.com reg 11 dec 1986
by Data General
bought june 2010
fox x million $
by Dollar General

DG.com impossible to get for
Gucci missed the sale of GG.com

cd.com aquired 2010*[n°113]
CD.com = CD / Bank Rates
CD.com / Bankrates
sales: $ 0,8 billion
1,700 people
from Palm Beach / USA
company founded 2004
domain CD.com reg 20 feb 1992
auct july11 2006 for 277,750 $
by investor Rick Latona
bought oct 15 2010 for 500,000 $
by Bankrates

CD.com difficult to get for
Christian Dior missed the domain CD.com

fb.com aquired 2010*[n°114]
FB.com = FB / Face Book
sales: $ 0,8 billion
1,700 people
from Palo Alto / USA
company founded 2004
domain FB.com reg 20 may 1990
by American Farm Bureau
bought nov 2010
for 8,5 million $
by Facebook
FB.com impossiblet to get for
Farrow & Ball missed the domain FB.com

Under Armour (UA.com) Pop Up Store at Cremerie de Paris, home of VB.com

est 100,045,666 .com domains registered by 2011 dec 31

ua.com aquired 2011*[n°115]
UA.com = UA / Under Armour
Under Armour
Sports Cothes
sales: $ 0,85 billion
2,200 people
from Baltimore / USA
company founded 1996
domain UA.com reg 04 oct 1994
by Univesral Access
bought april 2011 for ?? $
by Under Armour
UA history and timeline

UA.com impossible to get for
United Airlines missed UA.com

bg.com aquired 2011*[n°116)
BG.com = BG / Bergdorf & Goodman
Bergdorf Goodman
Luxury Fashion store
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from New York / USA
company founded 1899
domain BG.com reg 29 april 1992
by Bristol Group
bought ?? $ by Domain Bulgaria
bought 2011 by Neiman Marcus
BG.com very difficult to get for
BG Group missed BG.com

bh.com aquired 2011*[n°117)
BH.com = BH / Bell Helicopter
Bell Helicopter
sales: $ 11,27 billion
xx people
from Texas / USA
company founded 1935
domain BH.com reg 5 oct 1994
by Butterworth Heineman
company bought 2006 by Elsevir
domain bought sep 14 2011 for $ ?
by Bell Helicoter / Textron

vu.com aquired 2011*[n°118]
VU.com = VU / Veternas United
Veterans United
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from Columbia / USA
company founded 2002
domain VU.com reg 1 aug 1995
bought ?? $ by Virtual Universe
bought nov 14 2011 for $700.000
by Veterans United

est 104,481,690 .com domains registered by 2012 aug 15
today's stats can be found on daily changes.com

sq.com active 2012*[n°119]
SQ.com = SG / Airline code for Singapore Airlines
Singapore Airlines
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from Columbia / USA
company founded 2002
domain SQ.com reg 11 dec 1986
by ??
company bought by X Metal
domain bought aug 30 2005 for $ ?
by Singapore Airlines
but they forgot about the domain
and only acivated it in 2012

cl.com active 2012*[n°120]
CL.com = CL /Craigs List
Craig's List
Internet Company
sales: $ x billion
32 people
from San Francisco/ USA
company founded 1995
CL.com reg by Computer Labs...not renewed and lost
reg again 27 mai 1998
by Compter Literacy Faitbrain
company bought by B&N in 2003
domain bought dec 2008 for $ ?
by Craig's List
domain only acivated it in 2012
CL.com very difficult to get for
Credit Lyonnais missed CL.com

tu.com aquired 2012*[n°121]
TU.com = Telefonica
Telefonica Telecom Service
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from Madrid / Spain
service created 2012
domain TU.com reg 08 sep 1992
by ??
domain bought mai 17 2012
for $ ?
by Telefonica

jd.com acquired sep 2012*[n°122]
JD.com = JD / Jingdong
JD.com / Jingdong Consumer Electronics
sales: $ x billion
62.000 people
from Beijing / China
company founded 1998
domain JD.com reg 29 sep 1992
by ?
domain bought aril 2014
for est 5 million $
by JD ex Jingdong Mall / China
ex 360buy.com
IG.com sold by Alex Lermaa/USA

112,000,000 .com domains registered by 2013 dec 31
today's stats can be found on daily changes.com
all 4 letter .domains LLLL.com registered

wu.com rebranded 2013 jan *[n°xxx]
WU.com = Western Union
Western Union
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from USA

domain WU.com reg

domain redirected to westernunion.com

go.com rebranded april 2013*[n°xxx]
GO.com = Disney
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from USA

domain GO.com reg 08 jan 1998
by Jeff Gold

sold 1998 to Disney Enterprises
domain first used as
Disney joint venture
go.com search engine

reused as a Disney landing page

ig.com acquired sep 2013*[n°123]
IG.com = IG / IG Group
IG Group
Financial Services
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from London / UK
company founded 1974
domain IG.com reg 14 sep 1998
by ??
domain bought by IG Brazil
domain bought sep 2013
for 4.7 million $
IG.com sold by IG Brazil
Internet Group Brazil sold IG.com

gv.com launches nov 2013*[n°123]
GV.com = GV / Google Ventures
Google Ventures

domain GV.com reg 05 june 1997
by ??

previously owned by
Branded Holding Group
also owner of hd.com and mb.com

Google history and timeline

est 11x,000,000 .com domains registered by 2014 dec 31
today's stats can be found on daily changes.com

mi.com acquired april 2014*[n°124]
Mi.com = Mi / Xiaomi
Consumer Electronics
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from Beijing / China
company founded 1974
domain MI.com reg 6 nov 1998
by Magic Index
domain bought by Cris Korte / USA
domain bought aril 2014
for 3.6 million $
by Xiamoi
MI history and timeline

ch.com acquired april 2014*[n°125]
CH.com = Chineese Airline
Spring Airlines
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from Shanghai / China
company founded 2004
domain CH.com reg 19 june 1997
by Columbia House Records
domain bought by Media Options
domain bought august 2014
for ?? million $
by Spring Airlines
CH.com impossible to get for
Carolina Herrera

dw.com acquired 2014 april*[n°xxx]
DW.com = Deutsche Welle
Deutsche Welle
News Service
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from Bonn / Germany
company founded xxxx

domain DW.com reg 1994 dec 7
by Diamond Ware
Wipo case lost by Deutsche Welle
domain bought 2014
for ?? million $
by Deutsche Welle
domain story by Robbies blog

124,000,000 .com domains registered by dec 2015 dec 31
1today's stats can be found on daily changes.com

yt.com acquired 2015 jan*[n°]
we.com = Wealth Evolution
Youtube by Google
Video Platform

from Mountain View / USA
company founded 1998

domain YT.com reg 1993 aug 12 by ??
hold by japanese company

unpublished domain sale 2015 march
domain not activated

Google history and timeline

lu.com acquired march 1 2015*[n°126]
lu.com = Lufax
Personal Finance
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from Beijing / China
company founded 2011
domain LU.com reg 6 april 1995
domain bought by Chineese Investor
domain bought 2015 march 1
for ?? $
by Lufax

we.com acquired april 2015*[n°125]
we.com = Wealth Evolution
Wealth Evolution
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from Beijing / China
company founded ??
domain WE.com reg 31 march 1992 by
domain bought 2006 by Alf Temme
Wipo file lost in 2014 by We brand
bought for ext 8 million $
by Wealth Evolution
WE.com impossible to get for
WE Fashion.com

not working

tn.com acquired sep 2015*[n°125]
tn.com = Tuft & Needle
Tuft & Needle

from USA

domain TN.com reg 12 aug 1993

redirected to
2015 domain sales

we.com sold 2015 jan 20
for USD 4.000.000

yt.com sold 2015 jan 29
for USD ???
buyer Google

126,000,000 .com domains registered by 2016 dec 31
131,900,000 .com domains registered by 2017 dec 31

mz.com acquired march 26 2016*[n°126]
mz.com = Machine Zone
Machine Zone
Video Games
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from Palo Alto / USA
company founded ??
domain MZ.com reg 6 april 1995
domain bought by American Investor
domain bought march 26 2016
for estimated 3m$
by Machine Zone

ff.com acquired april 2016*[n°125]
FF.com = Faraday Future
Faraday Future
sales: $ x billion
xx people
from Shanghai / China
company founded 2004
domain FF.com reg 20 dec 1993
by First Franklin Bank
First Franklin bought by Merrill Lynch
Merrill Lynch bough by
Bank of America
2016 april 23 domain bought by Faraday Future
for est 10 million $
by Spring Airlines

se.com acquired mai 2017*[n°125]
SE.com = SE / Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric

domain SE.com reg 25 june 1997
by Central NIC
a company reselling domains
for Sweden
as an alternative to .se

acquired by Schneider Electric
to shorten company website

2016 / 2017 domain sales

tp.com sold 2016 jan 20 for USD 929.000

la.com sold 2016 mai 08 for USD 1.200.000

yk.com sold 2016 july 17 for USD 900.000

da.com sold 2016 sep 25 for USD 650.000

hg.com sold 2016 nov 27  for USD 3.770.000

fo.com sold 2017 march 11  for USD 510.000

sw.com sold 2017 may 07  for USD 660.000

Weight Watchers (WW.com) Pop Up Store at Cremerie de Paris, home of VB.com

2018 / 2019 / 2020
139,000,000 .com domains registered by 2018 dec 31
145,400,000 .com domains registered by 2019 dec 31

ww.com acquired july 2018*[n°126]
WW.com = WW / Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers

domain WW.com reg 1990 july 31
by ??

HP history and timeline

xa.com launches nov 2019*[n°1xx]
XA.com = XAG Agriculture

domain XA.com reg 14 march 1998
by ??

2018 / 2019 / 2020 domain sales

mk.com sold 2018 nov 09 for USD 700.000 to domain investor from China
(initial registration 1990 oct 10)

ol.com sold 2019 jan 28 for USD 900.000 to domain investor from USA
(initial registration 1997 mai 20)

rx.com sold 2019 july 30 for USD 1.000.000 to Pharmancy portal from Panama
(initial registration 1998 june 24)

ij.com sold 2019 nov 03 for USD 550.000 to domain investor from China
(initial registration 1998 april 22)

tm.com sold 2019 nov 14 for USD 1.250.000 to Testmasters from USA
(initial registration 1993 oct 15)

oa.com sold 2020 feb 27 for USD 609.068 to domain investor from Canada
(initial registration 1996 nov 21)

ee.com sold 2021 july 27 for USD 1.350.000 to domain investor from China
by VIP Brokerage
(initial registration 1996 nov 21)

China now owns 216 of the 676 2-letter dot-com domains (32.0%).
USA ownership declines to 302 (44.7%)

Two Letter Domains for sale

VB.com = Very Beautiful
At VB.com besides researching brand histories
I have the chance to organise
iconoic Brand Expos
for many famous companies.

Our historic Cremerie de Paris
VB mansion near the Louvre
attracts them due to our unique
hi-tech and fashion history going back centuries
to 1370, 1648, 1671.
As a child Louis XIV came to our house
owned by his teacher Nicolas V de Villeroy.
1671 were invented at the same place
the Royal French Postal Services.
Spirit of technology has stayed in our walls ...

I had the chance to live the arrival of the Internet
working with Sony
and operating at the Cremerie de Paris
one of the first internet cafes.
At the time French Hotels
were not yet connected and
without realising it
we were a hotspot
for travelling US web pioneers.

Some were a little older.
One was the assistant of Dr Jon Postel,
another one was on the first flight to the moon
and another one `had known the inventor of the phone.
Others were still very young

and nobody knew who they were
or who they were
Today they come back with Pop Up Stores
for the companies they have invented
turning our old VB mansion into
a Meeting Place of the World's most famous Brands.

Cremerie de Paris
The idea to create the VB.com Internet Hall of Fame
was born in the first Cybercafe that existed in Paris,
today Cremerie de Paris.com.
It is published as it might interests the one or the other
to find out more about
the World´s shortest and most prestigeous Internet Addresses.

Hewlett Packard / HP.com, Texas Instruments / TI.com and General Electric / GE.com
registered their respective Domain Names for a couple of Dollars,
understanding the Internet .... years ahead of time

David Packard
David Packard (founder of HP)
and the internet people of Texas Instruments or General Electric,
they were years ahead of their time and they paid almost nothing
for something that nobody understood
and that would become extremely valuable.

- others like Deutsche Bank / DB.com, H&M / HM.com or Calvin Klein / CK.com paid "peanuts"
and bought the missed domains during the early years of the Internet,
still .... years ahead of their time.

- others like Liverpool Victoria / LV.com or LG Group / LG.com paid serious Money at a later time
still managing to make their Logos "Internet Age compatible"
... all these companies they are now in the Internet Hall of Fame.

- and others like Louis Vuitton / no LV.com or Deutsche Bahn / no DB.com
were very slow ... too slow and inefficient to understand the Coming of the Internet,
... they missed the initial Domain Registration .... at a time nobody knew
... they missed to once exisiting Opportunity to buy the Domain .... at a time Internet was in everybodies mind
... and they continue spending massive amounts of Money to advertise a Monogram, which they do not own .com
those are .... years behind of their time

The super short .com Domains have enormous Prestige,
they have been registered one by one .... at a time almost nobody knew about the Internet.
In most cases they were very hard to get .... and the companies in the Hall of Fame deserve to be there.

2009 were added: AT&T Yellowpages YP.com, LG Group LG.com, Lufthansa LH.com and Japan Tobacco / JT.com
2010 were added: Reckitt Benckiser RB.com, Russia Times RT.com, Dollar General DG.com and Facebook FB.com
2016 were removed BL.com, Beweley & Lebeuf out of business, YB.com Yellow Book Project stopped

VB.com = Very Beautiful

In case you have interesting info
to complete this list please contact Cremerie de Paris
mail: b "at" vb.com
or instagram:cremeriedeparis

or linkedin

VB.com on an iPhone keyboard