Information on Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments Brand

Telephone +1-972-9953773 Mail Contact
Adress 12500 TI Boulevard Dallas, TX 75266, USA
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0:11 min Video Meet an innovator behind TI BAW technology

5:44 min Video Connect: TI bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator technology

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History & Timeline:

GSI / Geophysical Service Inc
1930: foundation of the company as Geophysical Service Inc, or simply GSI
a small Oil exploration firm.
The company is based on a technology called reflection seismography
helping to find underearth oil or gas fields.

The founders are
Eugene Mc Dermont (1899-1973)
Cecil H Green (1900 - 2003) originally coming from GE
John Eric Jonsson (1901-1995)
Patrick Eugene Haggerty (1914 - 1980)

1939: name change to Coronado Corporation

1941: company bought by Standard Oil (Amoco)

1946: start of a new Laboratory and Manufacturing (L&M) division
which takes longer than expected to become profitable.
The new division concentrales on electronic equipment.

1951: company rebranded as Texas Instruments Incorporated.
1952: acquisition of a transistor license and start of semiconductor manufacturing.

1953: October 1 the company enters the Nasdaq stock market with the ticker symbol TXN.
The first shares trade at $ 5.25 (since then the shares have been split 8 times and
1 original share is now the equivalent of 240 shares)

1954: first commercial silicon transistor introduced.

1955: the company buys 300 acres of land near Dallas for future development

Jack Kilbyfirst integrated circuit
1958: first integrated circuit invented by Jack Kilby.

1960: start of TI France
1961: start of TI Germany
1962: start of TI Brazil and TI Mexico

first handheld calculator
1967: Invention of the first handheld calculator.

1968: TI inventor Jack Kilby gets the National Medal of science.

1968: start of IT Japan and TI Singapore

1978: TI Speak & Spell chips produced
1979: start of TI Philippines

1985: Jerry Junkins becomes President
1985: TI starts to formally use the Internet
by exchanging e-mails from it's Computer science center
with the U.S. research community ... soon other TI business units gets acces
to the

Soon other IT offices can connect as well.
IT people can communicate with the outside world,
once they have entered some security codes to pass a "lobby" firewall
to access the network.

TI is an Internet pioneer
1986: registration of the internet Domain
(13th oldest internet domain - and 2nd oldest Two Letter Domain worldwide)

1986: opening of the first office in China

1987: The TI Internet Team redesigned the firewall system so TI people
could have direct access to the World Wide Web.

1988: TI listed on the London and Zurich stockmarket

1992: TI-85 advanced graphic calculators launched

1995: april launch of the website.

1996: May 26 COE Jerry Junkins dies in Stuttgart during a business trip.
1996: June 20 Tom Engibous becomes new CEO

1996: Dec 31 TI Internet connections have handled 2.3 million mail messages and 82 million web proxy requests.

1999: TI Interactive computer software introduced for education

2000: TI inventor Jack Kitby gets the Nobel price for physics

2002: online professional development for teachers

2003: alliance with USA Today for educational TI 83 handhelds high school classrooms

2004: TI 89 Titanimu graphoc calculators
first single chip cellphone device produced

2004: May 1 Rich Templeton becomes new CEO

Today Texas Instruments is a high tech powerhouse.
The company’s more than 15,000 patents have empowered countless inventions
that touch the lives of just about everyone, just about everywhere.


Origin of TI Name & Logos & Internet Domains

Name: the name Texas Instruments is related to the US State Texas.

TI LogoTI LogoTI Logo with brand name
The original Texas Instruments logo was comissioned in 1950
by one of the company founder John Eric Jonsson
shortly before the company's name changed to Texas Instruments.
The designer was Torg Thompson. The logo represents the outlines of the state of Texas
and the letters "t" for texas and "i" for instruments.
As it is the case for other iconic logos, GE or Chanel or Sony
the original TI logo is almost identical to the present one.
Steeve Jobs was not jet born at the time would have been surprised by the
avantgard use of the letter "i"
.... he liked the "i" for all kind of products (iMac, iPad, iPhone ....)
For him the 'i" means internet ... but wasn't Texas Instruments
one of those that invented the Internet ?
More about the creation of the Logo.

Internet Domains:
Unlike other companys owning iconic Monograms,
Texas Instruments was very internet savvy
and not late to register the matching internet domain

The date of registration, March 25 1986,
is a symbol of exeptional technology awareness,
in fact Texas Instruments was one of the very first companies
to register an Internet Domain in history,
and the second one (after and befor
to register a Two Letter Domain. is the 13th oldest Internet Domain.
At that time almost nobody knew about the Internet.

from the Internet Hall of Fame
Texas Instruments is listed on position n°2
on the Domain Hall of Fame.

There are many companies, in particular from France,
that were very behind when the internet arrived.
Not only they missed the registration
but also the later sale of their Monograms as a .com Internet Domain.

The domain Texas was registered at a unknow date,
but some time after
Texas has a small portfolio of over 259 domains,
including some other very old internet properties from technology companies
like (24th oldest Internet Domain).

Patents: over 39,000 patents

Name, Logo, Internet Domains:

Rich Templeton, CEO TI
The CEO is Rich Templeton.

Today TI is divided into two main divisions:
Semiconductors (SC) and Educational Technology (ET)

2011 revenues are ... $13.7 billion
employing 35,300 people

Texas Instruments holds 39,000 patents.

Texas Instruments is owned by a large public.

The Texas Instruments stock is traded on Nasdaq with the ticker symbol TXN.
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