Philipp Solms (1895 - 1918)

Philipp Solms (1895 - 1918)
Erbprinz Philipp zu Solms Hohensolms Lich
Потомственный принц Филипп Зу Солмс Хоэнсолмс Лич

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Among the Older children around the Romanovs
Philipp Solms
was the oldest child of Fuerst Karl zu Solms,
brother of Eleonore Solms, wife of Ernst Ludwig Hessen
and sister in law of the Tsarina.
His direct cousins were all much younger
exept Elisabeth Hessen who died as a 8 year old child.

Philipp had the same age than Olga Romanov
and he was a little younger than Dmitri Romanov
who kept him in his memories after most children were killed in 1918.

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