Miele by VB.com - Phone, Address, Commercials

Information on Miele

Miele Brand

Telephone No phone Mail Contact
Adress Carl-Miele-Straße 29 33332 Gütersloh, Germany
Website Miele.com
Social Media

0:29 min Video Generation 7000 Combi-Dampfgarer | Miele

0:43 min Video Interview Gaggan Anand’s Flow | Miele

1:03 min Video Redéfinir la perfection avec la Génération 7000 de Miele (2019)

0:20 min Video Des appareils de cuisson plus intuitifs que jamais (2021)

History & Timeline:

1899 : Carl Miele and Reinhard Zinkann establish a factory for cream separators.

1900 : The company starts making washing machines.

1907 : Business operations are moved to Gütersloh.

1916 : Construction of the Bielefeld factory.

1924 : The company starts making commercial washing machines and tumble dryers.

1929 : Miele launches Europe's first domestic dishwasher with an electric motor.

1931 : Miele's first subsidiary abroad is founded in Switzerland.

1969 : The company starts making built-in kitchen ensembles.

1978 : Miele introduces new computer-controlled appliances.

1980 : The first subsidiary overseas is set up in Australia.

1986 : Miele acquires laundry technology specialist Cordes in Oelde.

1990 : The company takes over appliance manufacturer Imperial in Bünde.

1995 : Miele subsidiary is established in Singapore.

1999 : Centenary of the Miele.

Name, Logo, Internet Domains:


Family name of company founder Carl Miele.

Miele Logo

The Miele Logo was created by xxx.

Internet Domain:

The Miele Letter Internet Domain Miele.com
was registered 16 October 1995
is hold in the name of Miele.