Information on Badoit

Badoit Brand

Telephone +33 1 44 35 20 20 Mail Contact
Adress 17 Boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris, France
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  part of Danone  
Investors EPA: BN via Google Finance  
Share info 2021: 54,59 €  
Market Cap 2021: 39.63 B €


0:31 min Video Le Biscours by Badoit

0:24 min Video Badoit Express revient

Badoit History

Badoit History:

1539 : In St. Galmier, Loire Valley the naturally sparkling Badoit water comes bubbling up.
The water was described by Gilles Gorrozet as "perhaps more delicious than beautiful wine."
Naturally sparkling with a moderate fluoride content, the water comes from a deep rock spring on the edge of the Monte du Lyonnais.

auguste saturnin badoit
1796 August 4: Birth of Auguste Saturnin Badoit in Saint-Germain-Laval.

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1778 : Richard Marin de Laprade, honorary Doctor physician to King Louis XVI described the effects of Saint-Galmier water
and formally recognised it as having virtues that “enhance the appetite, sooth digestion and make cheerful the spirit”

1837 : Auguste Badoit, 36 years old, developping sales of Saint Galmier water.

badoit 1841
1838 : Badoit is named after Auguste Badoit.
The water was sold only in pharmacies.

1842 : Pharmacists are choosen as first sales agents.

source badoit
1858 : Death of Auguste Badoit,
the Badoit company now selling 1.5 million bottles per year.
At that time no other spring had a similar performance.

badoit newspaper 1890
1890 : Badoit already advertised in newspapers in major cities.

badoit academy of medecine
1897 : Academy of Medicine regognised Badoit as a public asset.

1913 : Metal crown cap replacing cork to lock a bottle.
Badoit bottle opener became an accessory.

1930 : During the inter-war period, Docteur Bien-Vivre (Doctor Live-Well) appeared in the form of a bottle of sparkling water.
As the sparkling spokesperson for Badoit, he embodied the values of happiness and lively spirited that are so dear to Badoit.

1954 : Sale of Badoit water no longer restricted to pharmacies.

1960 : Jean Feldman created the famous Badoit slogan: "Badadi, badadoit, the best water is Badoit!"

badoit bottle
1973 : Badoit is now sold in PVC bottles.
Glass bottles remain for restaurants.

1983 : 1.25l bottles received screw caps.

1998 : Launch of a limited edition design bottle for the winter holiday season.
Collectors welcomed the initiative!

2004 : Launch of Badoit Rouge, with intense fizziness!

badoit bubbles
2007 : Launch of prestige 75cl format bottles for restaurants.

2011 : No Badoits with flavor of lemon, lime and mint.

source: website badoit and others

Name, Logo, Internet Domains:

Family name of Auguste Badoit.

Badoit Logo

The Badoit Logo was created by xxx.

Internet Domain:
The Six Letter Internet Domain
was registered 13 December 1999
is hold in the name of Badoit.